Manjaro 故障排除
sudo 密码不正确
利用 Timeshift1 进行备份/还原可以排除新引入的故障.
Timeshift 默认并不备份用户目录, 因此当还原后问题依然存在可能是由用户目录中文件所导致的.
Secure Boot
> sudo pacman -S sbctl
> sbctl status
Installed: ✗ sbctl is not installed
Setup Mode: ✓ Disabled
Secure Boot: ✗ Disabled
Vendor Keys: microsoft
> sbctl status
Installed: ✓ sbctl is installed
Owner GUID: 7f6711c7-2f33-42d1-b1a5-c3b00eee5758
Setup Mode: ✗ Enabled
Secure Boot: ✗ Disabled
Vendor Keys: none
> sudo sbctl create-keys
Created Owner UUID 7f6711c7-2f33-42d1-b1a5-c3b00eee5758
Creating secure boot keys...✓
Secure boot keys created!
> sudo sbctl enroll-keys --microsoft
Enrolling keys to EFI variables...
With vendor keys from microsoft...✓
Enrolled keys to the EFI variables!
> sbctl status
Installed: ✓ sbctl is installed
Owner GUID: 7f6711c7-2f33-42d1-b1a5-c3b00eee5758
Setup Mode: ✓ Disabled
Secure Boot: ✗ Disabled
Vendor Keys: microsoft
> sudo sbctl verify
Verifying file database and EFI images in /boot/efi...
✗ /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi is not signed
> sudo sbctl sign -s /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi
✓ Signed /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi
> sudo sbctl verify
Verifying file database and EFI images in /boot/efi...
✓ /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi is signed
> sbctl status
Installed: ✓ sbctl is installed
Owner GUID: 7f6711c7-2f33-42d1-b1a5-c3b00eee5758
Setup Mode: ✓ Disabled
Secure Boot: ✗ Disabled
Vendor Keys: microsoft
> reboot
创建一个新用户, 然后拷贝其用户目录下的文件到要还原的用户目录下.
以下方法只能暂时缓解该问题, 暂未找到该问题的永久解决方法.
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.socket
pulseaudio --check
pulseaudio --kill
pulseaudio --start
sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio
sudo killall pulseaudio
rm -R .config/pulse/
sudo pacman -S pulseaudio
amixer -D pulse sset Master toggle
DE: Gnome.
- Settings: 系统的基本设置.
- Tweaks: 系统的高级设置.
- Extensions: 拓展的设置.
- Manjaro Settings: 系统内核/驱动的设置.
- Layouts: 桌面布局基本设置.
- 服务:
. - 用户安装字体:
linuxmint/timeshift/teejee2008/timeshift(原仓库, 已停止更新) ↩